Starter Baseball
Starter Baseball provides recreation and athletic training through comprehensive baseball and softball instruction. Our goal is to improve knowledge of the game, enhance skills and instill confidence.
Our Training approach – Starter Baseball promotes concepts such as team work, fitness, sportsmanship, competition, hard work and positive attitude. We teach all skills related to baseball such as hitting, base running, throwing, catching, fielding and sliding.
Dance Class
Ballet and Jazz by Dancers Domain
Tumbling & Agility
Desert Storm Elite
Training and teaching skills, flexibility, tumbling and hand eye skills useful in all sports. The learning environment is fun and positive. Students will have a performance for parents before the holidays and in the Spring.
Hi-Five Soccer & Hi-Five Basketball
These classes are after lunch once a week from October-April at The Scottsdale School. Soccer training and Basketball training classes teach the children skills for each sport while having fun outside on our playground. Find the registration forms and sign-up sheet in the front office or contact us at